Не секрет, что британцы любят выпить в субботу вечером или в праздничные дни, но делать это культурно они не умеют. Вот и в минувшую субботу все пошло по известному сценарию: молодежь валялась на дорогах, блевали, ссали, дрались, кто-то попал в больницу, а кто-то в полицию. Вот несколько кадров, которые были сделаны в выходные в центре Манчестера.

¿ Licensed to London News Pictures . 11/09/2016 . Manchester , UK . A woman carrying an inflatable doll crosses Withy Grove . Revellers out in Manchester City Centre . Photo credit : Joel Goodman/LNP

¿ Licensed to London News Pictures . 11/09/2016 . Manchester , UK . Promotional Ruby Lounge poster on High Street . Revellers out in Manchester City Centre . Photo credit : Joel Goodman/LNP

¿ Licensed to London News Pictures . 11/09/2016 . Manchester , UK . A woman reaches out her hand towards a police officer as another is tended to on the ground , on Withy Grove . Revellers out in Manchester City Centre . Photo credit : Joel Goodman/LNP

¿ Licensed to London News Pictures . 11/09/2016 . Manchester , UK . Taxi marshals help a woman , lying collapsed on the pavement on Withy Grove , as an ambulance arrives . Revellers out in Manchester City Centre . Photo credit : Joel Goodman/LNP

¿ Licensed to London News Pictures . 11/09/2016 . Manchester , UK . A weary-looking group of people sit on the pavement in front of The Birdcage on Withy Grove . Revellers out in Manchester City Centre . Photo credit : Joel Goodman/LNP

¿ Licensed to London News Pictures . 11/09/2016 . Manchester , UK . A man staggers backwards outside The Bridge on Bridge Street . Revellers out in Manchester City Centre . Photo credit : Joel Goodman/LNP

¿ Licensed to London News Pictures . 11/09/2016 . Manchester , UK . A group of men chant Manchester United songs on Withy Grove , despite the team's earlier loss against local rival Manchester City . Revellers out in Manchester City Centre . Photo credit : Joel Goodman/LNP

¿ Licensed to London News Pictures . 11/09/2016 . Manchester , UK . A fight on Well Street . Revellers out in Manchester City Centre . Photo credit : Joel Goodman/LNP

¿ Licensed to London News Pictures . 11/09/2016 . Manchester , UK . Three men urinate in an alleyway off of Market Street . Revellers out in Manchester City Centre . Photo credit : Joel Goodman/LNP

¿ Licensed to London News Pictures . 11/09/2016 . Manchester , UK . A woman is carried in to an ambulance on a trolley outside McTucky's Fried Chicken and Burgers , in the Gay Village . Revellers out in Manchester City Centre . Photo credit : Joel Goodman/LNP

¿ Licensed to London News Pictures . 11/09/2016 . Manchester , UK . View through the window of men hugging close together , inside Yates Wine Lodge on Portland Street . Revellers out in Manchester City Centre . Photo credit : Joel Goodman/LNP

¿ Licensed to London News Pictures . 11/09/2016 . Manchester , UK . A couple walk arm in arm past pasted street art of a couple walking arm in arm on Dantzic Street . Revellers out in Manchester City Centre . Photo credit : Joel Goodman/LNP
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