Поразительные снимки эфиопских племен. ФОТО

04.10.2015 в 19:00

Испанский фотограф Диего Арройо Мендес сделал серию удивительных снимков деревенской жизни в Эфиопии, где люди веками — если не тысячелетиями! — берегли свои традиции и ритуалы.

В последние годы традиционная племенная жизнь в долине Омо подверглась испытанию современностью. Диего заснял уклад жизни этих племен во времена перемен.

Больше всего фотограф был впечатлен обрядом инициации хамар, который ему довелось наблюдать. Мальчик в ходе ритуала прыгает через быков, а его родственниц жестоко избивают, пока они поют и свистят в рожки, сделанные из бычьих рогов.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock (4903569f)
A woman looking lost in thought
Portraits of tribal life, Omo region, Ethiopia - 2013
FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r5bd

Spanish photographer Diego Arroyo Mйndez captured a series of stunning images of village life in the Ethiopia, where cultures have been well-preserved and traditions honoured.

Over the past few years, traditional tribal life in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia is being threatened by modern developments.

Diego's pictures capture a traditional way of life, at a time of great change.

Diego wanted to catch the subtle glimpses of personalities and emotions in order to make the audience connect with far away realities and conflicts, such as the disappearing ethnic groups in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock (4903569h)
A woman wears the traditional white body paint
Portraits of tribal life, Omo region, Ethiopia - 2013
FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r5bd

Spanish photographer Diego Arroyo Mйndez captured a series of stunning images of village life in the Ethiopia, where cultures have been well-preserved and traditions honoured.

Over the past few years, traditional tribal life in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia is being threatened by modern developments.

Diego's pictures capture a traditional way of life, at a time of great change.

Diego wanted to catch the subtle glimpses of personalities and emotions in order to make the audience connect with far away realities and conflicts, such as the disappearing ethnic groups in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock (4903569g)
A young boy wearing traditional body paint whilst enjoying himself on a pair of stilts
Portraits of tribal life, Omo region, Ethiopia - 2013
FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r5bd

Spanish photographer Diego Arroyo Mйndez captured a series of stunning images of village life in the Ethiopia, where cultures have been well-preserved and traditions honoured.

Over the past few years, traditional tribal life in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia is being threatened by modern developments.

Diego's pictures capture a traditional way of life, at a time of great change.

Diego wanted to catch the subtle glimpses of personalities and emotions in order to make the audience connect with far away realities and conflicts, such as the disappearing ethnic groups in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock (4903569i)
A man collecting firewood
Portraits of tribal life, Omo region, Ethiopia - 2013
FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r5bd

Spanish photographer Diego Arroyo Mйndez captured a series of stunning images of village life in the Ethiopia, where cultures have been well-preserved and traditions honoured.

Over the past few years, traditional tribal life in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia is being threatened by modern developments.

Diego's pictures capture a traditional way of life, at a time of great change.

Diego wanted to catch the subtle glimpses of personalities and emotions in order to make the audience connect with far away realities and conflicts, such as the disappearing ethnic groups in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock (4903569l)
A young boy wears traditional white body paint
Portraits of tribal life, Omo region, Ethiopia - 2013
FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r5bd

Spanish photographer Diego Arroyo Mйndez captured a series of stunning images of village life in the Ethiopia, where cultures have been well-preserved and traditions honoured.

Over the past few years, traditional tribal life in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia is being threatened by modern developments.

Diego's pictures capture a traditional way of life, at a time of great change.

Diego wanted to catch the subtle glimpses of personalities and emotions in order to make the audience connect with far away realities and conflicts, such as the disappearing ethnic groups in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock (4903569k)
A member of the tribe hearding cattle
Portraits of tribal life, Omo region, Ethiopia - 2013
FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r5bd

Spanish photographer Diego Arroyo Mйndez captured a series of stunning images of village life in the Ethiopia, where cultures have been well-preserved and traditions honoured.

Over the past few years, traditional tribal life in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia is being threatened by modern developments.

Diego's pictures capture a traditional way of life, at a time of great change.

Diego wanted to catch the subtle glimpses of personalities and emotions in order to make the audience connect with far away realities and conflicts, such as the disappearing ethnic groups in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock (4903569n)

Portraits of tribal life, Omo region, Ethiopia - 2013
FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r5bd

Spanish photographer Diego Arroyo Mйndez captured a series of stunning images of village life in the Ethiopia, where cultures have been well-preserved and traditions honoured.

Over the past few years, traditional tribal life in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia is being threatened by modern developments.

Diego's pictures capture a traditional way of life, at a time of great change.

Diego wanted to catch the subtle glimpses of personalities and emotions in order to make the audience connect with far away realities and conflicts, such as the disappearing ethnic groups in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock (4903569m)

Portraits of tribal life, Omo region, Ethiopia - 2013
FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r5bd

Spanish photographer Diego Arroyo Mйndez captured a series of stunning images of village life in the Ethiopia, where cultures have been well-preserved and traditions honoured.

Over the past few years, traditional tribal life in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia is being threatened by modern developments.

Diego's pictures capture a traditional way of life, at a time of great change.

Diego wanted to catch the subtle glimpses of personalities and emotions in order to make the audience connect with far away realities and conflicts, such as the disappearing ethnic groups in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock (4903569a)
A young girl can be seen wearing a traditional headscarf
Portraits of tribal life, Omo region, Ethiopia - 2013
FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r5bd

Spanish photographer Diego Arroyo Mйndez captured a series of stunning images of village life in the Ethiopia, where cultures have been well-preserved and traditions honoured.

Over the past few years, traditional tribal life in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia is being threatened by modern developments.

Diego's pictures capture a traditional way of life, at a time of great change.

Diego wanted to catch the subtle glimpses of personalities and emotions in order to make the audience connect with far away realities and conflicts, such as the disappearing ethnic groups in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock (4903569e)
A young boy looks wistfully at the camera
Portraits of tribal life, Omo region, Ethiopia - 2013
FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r5bd

Spanish photographer Diego Arroyo Mйndez captured a series of stunning images of village life in the Ethiopia, where cultures have been well-preserved and traditions honoured.

Over the past few years, traditional tribal life in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia is being threatened by modern developments.

Diego's pictures capture a traditional way of life, at a time of great change.

Diego wanted to catch the subtle glimpses of personalities and emotions in order to make the audience connect with far away realities and conflicts, such as the disappearing ethnic groups in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock (4903569b)
A man weating a hat with a delictae beaded string
Portraits of tribal life, Omo region, Ethiopia - 2013
FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r5bd

Spanish photographer Diego Arroyo Mйndez captured a series of stunning images of village life in the Ethiopia, where cultures have been well-preserved and traditions honoured.

Over the past few years, traditional tribal life in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia is being threatened by modern developments.

Diego's pictures capture a traditional way of life, at a time of great change.

Diego wanted to catch the subtle glimpses of personalities and emotions in order to make the audience connect with far away realities and conflicts, such as the disappearing ethnic groups in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock (4903569c)
A child wearing fur with bright coloured beading
Portraits of tribal life, Omo region, Ethiopia - 2013
FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r5bd

Spanish photographer Diego Arroyo Mйndez captured a series of stunning images of village life in the Ethiopia, where cultures have been well-preserved and traditions honoured.

Over the past few years, traditional tribal life in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia is being threatened by modern developments.

Diego's pictures capture a traditional way of life, at a time of great change.

Diego wanted to catch the subtle glimpses of personalities and emotions in order to make the audience connect with far away realities and conflicts, such as the disappearing ethnic groups in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission
Mandatory Credit: Photo by Diego Arroyo/REX Shutterstock (4903569d)
Two girls can be seen wearing beaded neckpieces
Portraits of tribal life, Omo region, Ethiopia - 2013
FULL COPY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r5bd

Spanish photographer Diego Arroyo Mйndez captured a series of stunning images of village life in the Ethiopia, where cultures have been well-preserved and traditions honoured.

Over the past few years, traditional tribal life in the Omo Valley, Ethiopia is being threatened by modern developments.

Diego's pictures capture a traditional way of life, at a time of great change.

Diego wanted to catch the subtle glimpses of personalities and emotions in order to make the audience connect with far away realities and conflicts, such as the disappearing ethnic groups in the Omo Valley region in Ethiopia.


Источник: bigpicture, fotodom

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